Kits for detection/quantification of microorganisms by qPCR

Kits for detection/quantification of microorganisms by qPCR

Kits for qualitative or quantitative detection of microorganisms by qPCR. These kits are notable for being extremely easy to use. They are accompanied by a detailed User’s Guide. They include negative and positive controls as well.

Their design incorporates specific Positive Internal Control (PIC) for the assessment of false negatives, due to the presence of inhibitors of PCR reaction in the sample.

These kits are provided in liquid format and are sent with dry ice in order to preserve them, which enables a shelf-life of one year.

Currently available PCR kits:

Freeze-dried kits for the detection and quantification of Legionella by qPCR

These kits allow the detection and quantification of L. pneumophila and Legionella spp. in DNA extracted from water samples from diverse sources.

Each kit contains all the necessary material to conduct 72 assays and has a storage life of one year from the date of manufacturing.


990039 L. pneumophila detection and quantification kit (liquid format)
990043 Legionella spp. detection and quantification kit (liquid format)