All the activities carried out by ielab are endorsed by standard ISO 9001:2015 on Corporation Quality Management. ielab is accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Body, ENAC, in accordance with standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17043. Consequently, ielab is a guarantee of quality, thus ensuring the confidence of our clients. You can view in the section «Downloads» our certificate and our accreditation scope corresponding to accreditation number 2/PPI007. ielab obtained in 2014 the accreditation as a Reference Material Producer, following ISO 17034:2017, with accreditation number 01/PMR001. This recognition is a great achievement for ielab’s products and thus we become the first and only company in its sector accredited as a Reference Material Producer.
New ENAC brand for international acceptance
The ENAC brand in reports and certificates is the guarantee of having ENAC’s support, international acceptance in more than 100 countries and official recognition in the European Union.
Following the establishment of the Recognition Agreement for Proficiency Testing Schemes Providers and with the aim of making the international character of the accreditation of these activities more visible worldwide, the accrediting organizations ILAC and IAF have developed their own brands to be used in conjunction with national brands. ENAC-accredited bodies may use these combined marks in place of the ENAC mark, although their meaning is identical to the ENAC mark.
This new brand allows providers of accredited Proficiency Testing Schemes to have a means to report, not only nationally but internationally, on their technical competence. With the inclusion of these marks it is achieved that, immediately and easily, the customers and users who receive the certificate or report recognize that the organization that has issued it is internationally accredited and recognized, providing it with the necessary confidence in the veracity and technical solvency of the issuer.

ENAC presents its new accreditation mark
The accreditation mark is the means by which the market identifies both the accredited entities and the certificates and reports covered by the ENAC accreditation and which, therefore, have the reliability provided by the accreditation and the recognition of the accreditation bodies in the more than 100 countries with which ENAC has signed agreements.
For this reason, for ENAC it is a priority objective to achieve the maximum visibility of the brand and, with it, of the accredited activities. In this sense, in 2021 an analysis was carried out to assess whether the brand that had been used for the last 25 years continued to fulfill its objective in the best possible way.
The main result of this analysis was that the great similarity between the accreditation mark and the ENAC logo could not only generate confusion among the different market agents, but also represented an inconvenience from the point of view of communication and promotion of the same reason why it was decided to undertake a change with the aim of providing the design with a greater brand appearance and, likewise, offering accredited entities an instrument adapted to the current context.
To this end, it has been decided to provide the new brand with its own visual identity, differentiated from the logo, with cleaner lines and contemporary typography, but maintaining the elements that identify the Agency, thus ensuring recognition of the brand of ENAC on the market.
Thus, the new accreditation marks that are now being presented have their own character, transversal, universal, up-to-date, but without losing the recognition obtained over the years while maintaining their link with the principle of trust that underpins the ENAC accreditation system.

Quality Policy
In order to face the challenges of the current markets, with increasing customer demands, ielab Management believes that providing quality must also entail fulfilling customers’ expectations, this being an essential aspect to ensure the success of any company.
This Management Board aims to provide quality products and services. To this purpose, we introduced a quality system that is applied to every area of the Proficiency Testing Schemes. The Management Board fully endorses this quality system and constantly monitors the quality policy and targets, allocating all resources necessary to guarantee a sound management.
Ielab’s Management Board has appointed a Quality Assurance Manager (RGC in Spanish) responsible for the execution of all necessary systematic actions, such as planning, operations and assessments regarding quality.
Moreover, ielab Management believes that quality is a concept that must be planned, systemised and developed on a permanent and ongoing basis and all employees must engage in achieving said purpose and consider quality improvement as a day-to-day mission. In addition to this, ielabundertakes to fulfil and enforce all specifications identified in the quality system, as well as to provide the means necessary in order to achieve our quality goals.
In order to assess improvements to quality, the Management Board will determine quality goals every year for the different areas of the company.
One of the company’s main aims is to keep a close relationship with accreditation bodies, especially ENAC, so that our technical expertise is recognised by means of an accreditation for the organisation of proficiency tests in compliance with PAC-ENAC-PPI “Proficiency Test Provider Accreditation” and preparing reference materials in accordance with UNE-EN ISO 17034 “General requirements for the competence of reference material producers”.
Our quality system is based on the requirements specified in standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17043“Conformity assessment. General requirements for proficiency testing”, and standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 «General requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations”, and standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 “Quality management systems. Requirements” and in UNE-EN ISO 17034 “General requirements for the competence of reference material producers”.